5 Ways To Get Mentally Fit For Work If you look around your workplace, you’ll observe that whilst there may be little difference in capability…
Why I Need My MTQ48!
If you want a personal development framework for success, I recommend you explore MTQ48. This simple, effective, well-validated psychometric measure takes no more than ten…
The Single Most Important Ingredient For Success
What is mental toughness and why it is so important? Mental toughness is a personality trait that was first identified on the sporting field but…
Leadership Development
Developing Mental Toughness in Leadership Development Consultants Background Refinery Leadership is a consulting firm which designs, delivers, and measures initiatives to develop and grow leaders.…
MTQ48 – Occupational Applications
Mental Toughness and Police Stop and Search Behaviour Background Police performance and behaviour is of continued critical interest. Of particular interest is police officers willingness to participate…
Mental Toughness and Sleep Patterns
“Sleep well, our tough heroes!” Among adolescents, favourable sleep patterns are related to increased mental toughness and optimism, but not to physical activity. Serge Brand 1,…
Using the MTQ48 with Sub-elite Junior Table Tennis Player
The Player: Born 1998, the player was ranked in the top 12 in England for their age (11 years) in 2010. The Coach: The coach…
Developing Mental Toughness – Education Sector
Case Study by Steve Oakes, Assistant Director Sixth Form, Head of Character Development and School Research Lead Developing Mental Toughness – Education Sector The Blue Coat School,…
Resilience and Mental Toughness – Are They Different?
Article by Doug Strycharczyk, CEO, AQR International. Resilience and Mental Toughness – Are They Different? There is a difference and, although the two ideas are…