Get Mentally Fit provides expertly designed and effectively tailored programs and services that ensure clients obtain the knowledge and skills to … Continue reading → about Get Mentally Fit
Free Seminar – How To Develop Your Mental Toughness
Most successful people are mentally tough and in this free seminar you learn what mental toughness is, how to measure it and develop it. To secure your place please register your interest to attend.
Learn moreFrom TED - GRIT as the predictor of success - Angela Duckworth
In this excellent video from TED, Angela Duckworth talks about GRIT and why it is a predictor of success. This has many parallels with our work on mental toughness.
Watch videoWhy you must read this book on Mental Toughness
Developing Mental Toughness is the definitive handbook on mental toughness written by the “rockstars” of mental toughness, Peter Clough and Doug Strycharczyk.
Learn moreDeveloping mental toughness in the Blue Coat School, Oldham, UK
This case study highlights the use of the MTQ48 and mental toughness in a UK state school.
Read case studyCoaching Package
Use a MTQ48 accredited coach to help you develop your mental toughness
For more Information click here
Mental Toughness is a personality trait that determines your ability to perform consistently under stress and pressure.
The MTQ48 is a high quality online psychometric measure used to assess Mental Toughness in an individual.
Case studies, events, videos, books, webinars, podcasts, monthly email and more resources on mental toughness.

Mental Toughness Toolkits
by Mental Toughness Partners on
Mental Toughness Development ToolkitAUD$880 Mental Toughness Development Toolkit: Primary Education AUD$550 Mental Toughness Development … Continue reading → about Mental Toughness Toolkits

Is Mental Toughness Training the Same as Resilience Training?
by Mental Toughness Partners on
Below is an article written by Catherine Moore, Psychologist, MBA, is an HR-manager with a passion for Positive Psychology research. This is an … Continue reading → about Is Mental Toughness Training the Same as Resilience Training?