Carefully constructed employee/culture surveys.
They are particularly useful for:
Testing hypotheses about the workforce.
Managers can take a view about employees or customers which may be neither accurate nor substantiated. The survey is a comparatively reliable vehicle for testing what employee attitudes opinions truly are and how deeply held these might be.
Listening to the workforce.
Most culture change programmes promote employee involvement. A survey is a highly visible, structured and therefore powerful tool to demonstrate to the workforce or customers that the organisation is serious about its intention to listen to, and to involve them in improving performance – particularly where management are seen to implement actions arising from survey results.
The survey can establish internal benchmarks for the whole organisation and for (and between) sections of the organisation (dependent upon the way the survey is analysed). Repeat surveys will then measure the size and type of (culture) change that occurs. Benchmarking also holds true for customer surveys where being responsive to customer requirements leads to increased satisfaction levels that can be verified through re-surveying.
AQR has developed an online tool which enables organisations to gather employees’ opinions and views about the organisation for which they work in an easy, fully automated and cost effective way.
It takes seconds to invite participants to complete a survey by entering e-mail addresses. The results of the survey are presented in the form of a PDF Report. This includes analysis of data gathered in graphical and numerical formats as well as recording responses to open questions. The data can be analysed in several pre-set dimensions according to the users needs.
AQR Item Database
Users are able to select items from the AQR Database of over 240 items. This database of survey items which have been developed from more than 1,000 surveys which have been carried out since 1993. Our experience shows that the vast majority of organisations who seek to run a survey, in fact, ask the same or similar questions of their employees. Furthermore this core of questions revolves around the same clearly identifiable themes including:
- Leadership
- Policy and Strategy
- People Management
- Resources
- Processes
- Customer Satisfaction
- Impact on Society
- Training & Development
- Team working
- Interpersonal Skills
- Communication
- Problem Solving
- Customer Care
- Organisation Culture