Lia Zalums is a Director and Lead Consultant of Zedaxis Leadership Consultancy. Her consultancy transforms passionate high performing STEMM executives, business leaders and their teams into sustained high performers, collaborative leaders with influence that matters. Sustainable business growth requires a new dimension of leadership and active social responsibility. Her workshops and executive coaching programs are based on robust psychology-researched models and interventions to unlock potential and accelerate performance. Better leaders make better decisions.
Leader burnout, uncertainty, low team engagement and inconsistent results are some key problems Lia solves using measurable outcomes-driven strategies and frameworks that directly improve thinking skills, mental toughness and accelerate change.
Her many decades of award-winning sales leadership roles in Pharmaceutical, Medical Technology, Healthcare and Technology provides the business, the human behaviour and influence expertise which means she brings unique contextual value to STEMM.
Science is a team sport, and increasingly a global team sport. We must collaborate and co-opt in certain instances. How do we compete and collaborate at the same time? This is where Lia can help.
Lia formed the ZedAxis Leadership Consultancy with the mission to give leaders a whole new dimension. ZedAxis aims to transform the life science and technology workplace through leadership excellence by accelerating people performance, collective leadership and influence.
Services include:
1. ZedAxis Leader Accelerator Team Coaching Program (more executives within one functional team working toward team goals)
2. ZedAxis Leader Accelerator Group Coaching Program (executives in cross-functional teams within and organisation or from different organisations)
3. Psychometric profiling and professional development plan
4. Single strategy coaching session
5. Half day High Performance Workshops
6. Keynote Speaker on Mental Toughness for STEMM leaders, Your Leader Brand Identity, 7 Keys to Powerful Impact & Influence
Location: Sydney, Australia and global via Zoom
email: [email protected]
ph: +61 455086505