When you are feeling down and negative about almost everything; when you have very little energy left to focus or re-energise you need to ask yourself two important questions.
The first question is “What’s the biggest thing that’s bringing you down right now?”
You may have a range of interconnected problems or issues causing you to feel stressed or depressed but often there is one root source of the problem. You need to identify what this problem is.
The second question is “What is the solution to this one problem?”
Clearly some problems are easier to solve than others and other solutions may be easy to identify but harder to implement.
These two questions invariably work at improving the way you are feeling, because in asking them you have identified the “enemy”.
Obviously implementing the solution is best, but even without action, the process of identification helps by giving you clarity on what needs to be done.
For more on how to build mental toughness contact us.