Today can be like any other day, connected to yesterday and tomorrow by its mediocrity and going with the flow not making the flow. It is up to you. You can make it a special day, a GREAT day, by embracing the following mental toughness tips.
Here are 10 quick mental toughness tips to show you how:
1. Start with a successful routine
Today and every day, start the day by doing the same series of things that will help you get moving into the day and become successful.
2. Visualise your success today
Somewhere in this early morning routine find 10-20 minutes to review the day ahead and visualise turning the opportunities into successes and negotiating the the challenges and issues to achieve a positive result. Having clarity on how you are going to successfully manage the day substantially enhances your confidence and likelihood of achieving that success.
3. Focus on achieving 3 things today
Within your morning routine identify 3 goals that must be ticked off. They are non-negotiable. They must happen to make today a successful one. You can break one big goal into three little chunks to make them more achievable.
4. Make things happen
You know what you need to do and you can visualise doing it. Now methodically go about your day and focus on making things happen specifically your ‘non-negotiables’.
5. Smile
Seriously. It’s a new day and you are alive. With a smile on your face you can achieve anything.
6. Expect the unexpected and manage it when it comes
Something unexpected will happen today. It may be small but it may be substantial and possibly tragic. Be alert but not alarmed and manage it when it comes. You could face the most incredible adversity because of it, so ensure that you have your “resolve” stowed away in your mind like an emergency life jacket on a plane and be prepared to use it in an emergency. It could be today.
7. Use positive self-talk to spur you on
There will be times during the day when you need a gee up and an encouraging word to keep you on track. Take responsibility for this yourself and ensure that the gearbox of your mind is engaged in positive not neutral or negative. Keep encouraging yourself throughout the day with positive self-talk and celebrating your successes –especially achieving your three non-negotiable goals. This positivity will keep you encouraged nourished and rewarded.
8. Manage your emotions
One of the most common ways that your day can be derailed is through you becoming negatively emotional about something or someone, or someone-else becoming negatively emotional about you or something you have done that impacts them. You need to respond, not react, by being objective and not getting sucked into the emotion of the situation. Being impassive can save your day.
9. Don’t worry about what you can’t control
Another way your day can become derailed is to start worrying about a myriad of things that are outside your control and which may or may not happen anyway. Package those thoughts up and put them on the shelf. Only deal with them when they become certain and they impact you.
10. Review the day and use WWW
Before you go to sleep take a few minutes to reflect on the day. Focus on the positives of the day by using WWW “what’s working well” and celebrate 3 wins. You need to take this positivity to your pillow.
For more mental toughness tips and how to test and develop your mental toughness, contact us.