Why Your Job Spec Should Include Responsibility For Managing Your Mindset
Too many people physically turn up for work but they are mentally absent. They coast through the day without any clear focus on achieving their objectives. This mental absenteeism disrupts their productivity and over time limits their performance and career potential.
In my view we all have a responsibility to manage our mindset and turn up for work with the necessary mental energy and commitment to perform to the best of our ability. Anything less is a dereliction of our responsibility.
Yet this responsibility is rarely listed in a job specification or discussed or tested through the selection process. I haven’t seen it identified as a desirable characteristic, even for senior roles or those roles that require a great deal of human interaction, although it is a critical component in getting the job done productively.
Why is it that job specifications rarely specifically include this responsibility for managing your mindset and mental toughness?
By including it as a responsibility, an employer can ensure that it becomes part of both the selection and performance management conversations. A positive and mentally tough mindset then becomes a key part of what good performance looks like.
As an employer you should know:
- what mental routines your potential (and existing) staff employ to set their daily goals and then to achieve them
- how they navigate their way through the day’s many obstacles and stressful situations
- how they bounce back from setbacks and failures
- how they spot and seize potential opportunities
- how they manage their own emotions and those of others
- how they manage difficult or abrasive relationships within the workplace.
Since we can test mental toughness through the MTQ48 psychometric measure, I think responsibility managing your mindset should become a key feature within everyone’s Job Spec.
To learn more on mental toughness and managing your mindset contact us.