One of the problems with feeling low key with little or no energy is that your chances of positively impacting and engaging with those around you is diminished. Next time you aren’t feeling inspired or up to the task of motivating others, consider these options as suggested by Cheri Torres, business leadership coach and the author of ‘Conversations Worth Having’. She suggests;
1) Ask yourself some “Dig Deep” questions
To get inspired, you need to be in a physical, mental, and emotional state that generates inspiration. Begin by checking in with your physical state. Are you eating well? Are you getting enough sleep? “Sometimes the body is what is impacting energy and inspiration,” says Torres.
Next, check in with your mental self. What are you ruminating about? What is your inner dialogue like? Keeping a journal of your thoughts can help you uncover how you are speaking to yourself. If your mind is full of negative self-talk, it’s no doubt you’re feeling uninspired.
Then, check in with your mental and emotional state. Is there something that is going on in your personal life that is preventing you from being inspired at work? Recognizing that you do helps you to isolate and work around this issue for the benefit of your performance at work.
2) Avoid negative self-talk and group talk
“If all the conversations are about problems, trying to fix what’s wrong and focused on negative outcomes, no wonder you’re uninspired,” says Torres. Instead of talking about what you don’t want the outcome to be, focus conversations on what you do want and the positive outcomes you will have. It’s easier to discover the path to achieve those goals if you speak using positive language, rather than giving in to negativity.
3) Make time to be happy and joyful
Schedule something in your calendar that increases your positive emotions and brings you joy. “Positive emotions are correlated with a biochemical soup that increases energy, connection, motivation, and inspiration,” says Torres. This in turn will increase your energy levels and hopefully improve your chances of feeling inspired.
If you are the Leader of the team, Torres suggests some additional strategies;
4) Give yourself and the team a purpose
To reignite your inspiration, turn to your “why.” Try to remember why you do what you do in the first place. Review some positive customer testimonials, remember your “why,” and share this with your team.
5) Have the vulnerable conversation
Leaders often feel that they need to have all the answers, but it’s important to remind your team that you are human, too. Don’t be afraid to tell your team that you are having a tough time getting inspired at the moment and ask for their help. “The most effective leaders are those that have the courage to be vulnerable,” says Torres. Showing vulnerability helps to facilitate trust and mutual respect, which are a good foundation for collaboration and connection–exactly the traits required for a productive brainstorming session.
6) Ask your team what they need
Leaders often misunderstand what their team needs in order to get inspired to action. Ask team members what is currently inspiring them, and what they would need to happen to help inspire them further. Do they need to step away from the desk and have some fun for a few hours to get their creative juices flowing? Or do they need a better understanding of the goals of the project?
View full article on Fast Company, hosted by Canadian mental and physical health writer Lisa Evans