Are you sick and tired of the Storyteller who lives inside your head?
You know, the one that narrates the soundtrack of your life, invariably offering negative commentary and opinions on your every thought and move. The one who queries your capability and questions whether you need to cross the boundaries of your comfort zone, thereby limiting your ambition and discovery.
How much would you like to hear a soundtrack that empowers you to try something new and positively encourages you to succeed, or if you fail, to bounce back again.
You can change your Storyteller soundtrack by using these four steps:
1) Be conscious of your Storyteller and their soundtrack
Being aware of your Storyteller is the first and most important step to changing the negative soundtrack you hear. Most people either aren’t aware of it, or worse just let it run unchallenged in the background of your mind. Just ask yourself the direct question: Is my Storyteller narrating what is happening right now?
2) Write it down
If the soundtrack is playing, write down what your Storyteller is actually saying. It’s likely to be something negative or limiting. “I can’t do this”, “I’m not good enough”, “I have to stop”. You have to write the words down so that you can take the time to analyse it.
3) Analyse the soundtrack
In analysing the soundtrack you want to assess whether your Storyteller is providing a fact or offering an opinion on a likely outcome. It is usually a limiting opinion based on a previous experience that has often been negative or deemed a failure. It is important that you come to a conclusion on the nature of the soundtrack.
4) Write a new soundtrack
You don’t want to lose your Storyteller, as they can become a really important and positive influence. You just want to give them a new script to use – a new soundtrack to play. The soundtrack doesn’t always have to be positive and you can challenge your Storyteller by discussing with them what the soundtrack should be. In some instances a negative narrative could be more appropriate.
The key points here are that you are conscious about your storyteller and you are in control of their soundtrack.