Many executives suffer from a consistent theme, namely that their life is out of balance. They work too hard, for too long, without much needed breaks to refresh and rejuvenate themselves physically and repair family relationships. This, often selfless, disregard for their own wellbeing has business and personal consequences.
If this sounds like you then this post is a reminder to arrange your 2018 diary now for holidays and mini breaks. Ensuring that you have some time off every quarter, even if it’s only a long weekend or a week, it will help you to manage your ongoing stress.
Book now so you don’t miss out and you have something to look forward to.
Below are the public holidays and approximate public school holidays for Sydney, NSW Australia but they are easy to find for your country or state.
The approximate 4 x 10 weeks for school terms doesn’t make for alignment with every public holiday but there are some opportunities to maximize work leave and school holidays in 2018.
Christmas 2017/New Year 2018
Christmas Day falls on a Monday this year which means that you could take three days leave, Wednesday 27th, Thursday 28th and Friday 29th to enjoy 10 days off (including weekends and New Years Day January 1st).
Australia Day Friday 26th January
It’s a three day weekend at the end of January in Australia and the public schools go back in NSW on Tuesday 30th January so there’s a chance to get three or four full days away using one days leave, depending on how prepared you are for ‘back to school’.
Good Friday Friday 30th March and Easter Monday 2nd April
As schools don’t break up until 13th April, if you have children it’s a four day break only with no leave days or if you don’t then you have an opportunity to enjoy 10 days away from work using only four days leave using Easter as the beginning or end of your break.
Anzac Day Wednesday 25th April
Schools break up from term one on Friday 13th April and don’t return until Tuesday 1st May which brings an opportunity to use Anzac Day to take 9 days (with the weekends as bookends) using four days leave.
Queens Birthday Monday 11th June
This holiday falls mid school term two and is a three day long weekend. School term two finishes Friday 6th July and with just over two weeks school holidays until they go back on Tuesday 24th July.
AAAAggghhhhhh – the long winter months with no public holidays until the end of the quarter / beginning of Q4.
School term three finishes Friday 28th September which will be the opportunity for combing Labour Day Monday 1st October with four days leave to achieve a nine day break.
Labour Day Monday 1st October
As above an opportunity for a nine day break.
It is then a long haul through the spring and early summer without public holidays as term four finishes on Wednesday 19th December. In Australia this is holiday time for most and ‘breaking up’ close of business Friday 21st December enables you to take four days leave to enjoy 11 days leave.
- Christmas Day Tuesday 25th December
- Boxing Day Wednesday 26 December
- New Years Day Tuesday 1st January 2019
Enjoy your planning and the opportunity to better manage your stress in 2018.