For many people in many parts of the world, the Christmas and Gregorian calendar New Year celebrations are time for celebration, rest and restoration.
It is also a really useful time in which to reflect on your performance, progress and development in the past year and your hopes and plans for the year ahead.
Four useful questions to answer during this reflection are;
- What have you done* in 2017 that you want to STOP doing in 2018?
- What do you want to CONTINUE to do in 2018?
- What do you want to START doing in 2018 that you didn’t do in 2017?
- What do you want to CHANGE in 2018?
*This ‘doing’ could also include thinking or being or feeling.
This is a simple but effective reflection framework that can provide a useful guide to your progress in 2018.
Good luck, best wishes and thank you for reading, liking and commenting on my posts this year.
After a few weeks away I will CONTINUE with these posts on all things mental toughness in 2018 commencing again in mid January.