Most successful people possess the mental toughness personality trait. This invariably means they are in control of their career and life and are sufficiently persistent and committed to fulfill their goals. They create and take opportunities and have the confidence and self-belief to achieve the impossible as well as the possible.
The foundation for this success is that mentally tough people are in command of their life, their circumstances and their emotions. They have a strong purpose and a clear sense of who they are. They are comfortable with what they stand for especially in the face of adversity. They have a dream and they constantly ensure they live their life in alignment with this dream and are on a personal mission to make that dream come true.
A mentally tough person’s control means that they will usually just get on with things irrespective of how they feel. They take action and do the things that need to be done and will work through the emotions of the highs and lows without seemingly becoming derailed or distracted.
Being in control is step one to making things happen
Control is the anchor C in the 4C’s framework within the MTQ48 psychometric tool.
The other 3 C’s are:
- Commitment, combined with Control represents resilience, the ability to survive
- Challenge
- Confidence, which together with Challenge measure the ability to flourish.
MTQ48 measures an individuals Control, Commitment, Challenge and Confidence. The MTQ48 is an ideal personal development framework and provides three detailed reports that provide coaching, development and assessment opportunities.
The MTQ48, which takes 8-10 minutes online, is a normative measure that has been well researched and validated around the world and is now used extensively in the occupational, educational, social and sporting sectors.
For further information on how you can benefit from being mentally tougher contact us.