It’s easy to lose confidence if things don’t go your way for a while. Negative thoughts and feelings flood your mind and you can feel all at sea. Things you used to do effortlessly become difficult and daunting. To get back on track you need a quick confidence boost.
The MTQ48 psychometric tool, used to measure the personality trait mental toughness, is also a valuable personal development tool that can build and restore confidence.
By using the 4C’s framework of Control, Commitment, Challenge and Confidence you can regain control and make things happen again to boost your confidence.
The Control C measures your self-esteem, the foundation step to regaining your confidence. You need to get to know yourself again and reaffirm the principles upon which your life is built and what you stand for. By building a long term perspective you can create strength and remove your helplessness. Reflect on what you do well and enjoy doing, as well as challenging your own view of your limitations to see if they are really limitations or you have placed them there needlessly. Work on controlling your emotions when good things and bad things happen which will also help you achieve a confidence boost and remain in control of your situation.
The Commitment “C” represents your reliability and especially how you set and complete goals. Sometimes when you lack confidence everything appears too much and you procrastinate and fail to meet targets which in turn exacerbates the problem.
By re-setting and successfully tackling a few small goals at first you achieve some momentum, which then builds your confidence and focus. This leads to setting and achieving more, which builds still further. Achieving goals is a big confidence boost as is the resolve to bounce back from setbacks and failures.
Challenge is the “C” that measures your drive and intrinsic motivation to achieve your personal best. This often involves tackling new situations and projects, which can feel daunting if you are feeling out of sorts. Get active and accept there will be failures but that you will accomplish some things that will boost your confidence.
Confidence is your ability to complete tasks and situations competently and to influence people in a positive manner. Whilst confidence is at the heart of this “C”, the other 3 C’s also, as we have seen, critically impact your confidence. Here, practice makes perfect and champion table tennis player Matthew Syed calls it purposeful practice and a secret to his success. If you are feeling down, working hard, practicing what you do best on a regular basis will increase your competence and your confidence. This confidence boost will mean that you can do more even when the pressure is on. Here your inner voice is critical. Think and act positively, walk tall (watch Amy Cuddy’s work on power posing), smile and talk slowly.
Whilst taking the MTQ48 test will measure your current situation and enable you to take the appropriate action to boost your confidence, using the 4C’s framework tips above will help you get started on developing and building your confidence.
To learn more contact us.