Your career isn’t a linear progression to your current reality or to where you want to be. It’s like a game of snakes and ladders with sometimes five steps forward and two back and at other times one step forward and three back. Obviously over time you want to generate forward momentum, always taking advantage of opportunities and learning from your setbacks to achieve a better result for next time.
You live the highs and lows of every turn of this real life game of snakes and ladders.
However when you meet someone today they don’t know the context of all these twists and turns, opportunities and setbacks, snakes and ladders. They don’t see your past. They don’t know of your times of doubt, frustration and failure.
Only you can convey your story in your profile and in person in the way you want to tell it. Truthfully, yes. Perhaps painfully, yes.
However whatever has happened, you don’t need to carry every snake with you to burden you and slow you down, use them as an opportunity to learn or set them free.
Wherever you are now you can tell your story positively confidently and resolutely and that you are on the ‘Road to Somewhere Special’.
Seeing each setback, ‘each snake’ as a learning opportunity is a feature of the mental toughness framework (under the C of Challenge) and should be viewed and promoted as such.
Entrepreneur Matthew Toren wrote this on a similar theme:
“I don’t mean to say that your hardships should remain secret. They made you who you are, and I encourage you to embrace that.
If you’ve been set back, it just means you have a great story to tell that will draw people to you, and to your brand. Everyone loves a hero’s journey
I’ll be honest with you: In the past, I’ve told my own hero’s journey. I revealed obstacles in the context of success. I did it because it felt good, and because I knew you’d respond well to it. I knew it’d make you like me more. Even here, now, in this sentence, I’m showing you only what I want you to see.
Let’s tell our stories the way we want them to be told. Nobody sees your past except you.
Life as an entrepreneur is what you make it. The consistent character you’ll hear about in every entrepreneur’s story of success is setbacks.
When a setback strikes, it often strikes in multiples, and it’s up to you what you make of the challenges that come your way. Will you turn your setbacks into opportunities for growth, change or courage? Or will you let the stumbles get you down, or worse, keep you down and convince yourself that business and entrepreneurship just aren’t for you?
Every day offers you the opportunity to ask yourself, “Will I let this make me better? Or will I allow this to make me bitter?” The choice is ultimately up to you”.
For more on career coaching and building mental toughness contact us.