It’s easy to drift through great swathes of your life like a zombie, reacting almost unconsciously and passively to life’s challenges and opportunities.
Then, one day you realise that you’re in the slow lane being overtaken by almost everyone else.
But you don’t have to be in the slow lane. You have a choice and a voice.
Making a choice and using your voice will enable you to wrestle back control of your life to become actively conscious and involved again, making things happen to take advantage of challenges and opportunities.
You have the choice to:
- take control of your life
- be passive or active
- maximise your potential or to under achieve
- set the boundaries on what your life looks like and what you will, or won’t, stand for,
- be conscious or unconscious,
- be a success or stay in the slow lane.
Ideally you will make the decision to be active and be the best you can be, but doing so involves making both:
- the choice to take control of your life; and
- switching on your inner voice.
Once you have made the choice, switch on your inner voice and program it to be positive. Your inner voice is the narrator and navigator for your life, your inspiration and conscience, your motivator and moderator.
Your inner voice is always talking and without your intervention will most likely be talking negatively to you and about what you are thinking and doing. This is unfortunately natural as we have an inbuilt negativity bias (our brain’s risk aversion program) which ensures that 70% of our daily 50,000 thoughts and emotions are negative.
But it is important to change your narrator’s script to ensure its realistically positive all the time because what you think or feel determines how you act or behave. If you are thinking positively you are much more likely to act positively.
You need to throw away your narrator’s negative script and write a positive phrase book for him or her to use as your inner voice:
I can do it.
It’s within my grasp.
I’m feeling confident.
It’s a setback but I can recover from it.
I’m certain its possible.
I will survive.
I will succeed.
I’m good enough.
Yes I can.
I can’t ? I must !!!
It’s hard at first. It is uncomfortable and unnatural and perhaps feels a little bit crazy. But stick with it because it works.
Once you have turned on the choice and the voice, you need an operating system to make the right decisions in life and recover quickly from the wrong ones.
I would recommend that you use Mental Toughness and the MTQ 4C’s framework as your operating system to guide you to a great life.
I write a lot about the benefits that come from being mentally tough and am happy to discuss these with you.
Read more about mental toughness on our website.