7 Quick Ways To ‘Make It Happen Fast’
One of the characteristics of mentally tough people and indeed successful people in general, is their ability to quickly and consistently achieve the right outcomes to the desired quality. They “make it happen fast” and this action mindset and endeavor means they quickly work through their ‘to do list’ and build an impressive list of achievements.
Here are 7 quick ways that generate an action mindset – principally relating to the C of Commitment in the MTQ48 4C’s definition of mental toughness.
1) Visualise your desired outcome
By visualising your desired outcome you start to think about what steps you need to take to make it happen. You can visualise, and so anticipate, the obstacles to be faced and the short cuts to be taken. In addition by visualising your outcome you achieve greater clarity on what needs to be done, which increases your self-confidence in your ability to complete the task.
2) Focus your attention on what needs to be done
Once its time to ‘make it happen fast’ you need to focus intensely on what needs to be done. This focus needs to take in enough of the surroundings and the context of what’s being said and done to ensure its running to your visualised plan. However you need to retain some flexibility to deviate around or through unexpected obstacles.
3) Take action and do it now
Action is the key to your success more than any of these other pointers. It is what separates you from those less successful than you. It’s the beautiful combination of your knowledge, expertise, focus and energy working in your favour.
4) Bring your energy to your action
Taking action is critical to making things happen but it doesn’t have any momentum without energy. Bringing your energy to the process is the necessary fuel for the journey. If you don’t have natural energy to harness, then you need to find ways of developing it and a principal way is through physical exercise. Exercise delivers more oxygen to your brain and produces a flood of hormones in your body that reduce stress, burn fat, and increase muscle growth. In addition to energy, exercise boosts memory concentration and learning ability.
5) Make more mistakes
A friend of mine used to live a mantra “fail fast” and in the way and speed she operated she made lots of things happen successfully. However quite a lot of initiatives and projects failed and fell quickly by the wayside. One of her strengths as a successful entrepreneur learning from her failures so that her next attempt was refined and reinforced with better practice. Mistakes are the fastest way the brain learns because you are more conscious not to make that same mistake again and to learn a better way.
6) Control your breathing
Breathing deeply and purposefully is a great way to deliver oxygen to your brain and help you take action whilst staying calm. One of the benefits of breathing is that you can do it anytime anywhere and you can be pretty much guaranteed that it will help you become more focused, more confident and more composed.
7) Keep your self-talk positive and active
We all have self-talk and left unregulated it can be negative and limiting. By keeping it as a positive running commentary on what we’re doing we create self belief and inner confidence that we can reasonably do what is in front of us and ‘make it happen fast’.
For more on building an action mindset and building mental toughness contact us.