Mental Toughness in a VUCA World
At this recent podcast, Paul Lyons together with Jane Jackson, Career Coach discussed Mental Toughness and VUCA. What is VUCA? This acronym stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity, widely used in the corporate environment due to globalisation, environmental challenges, organisational change and financial instability. In order for leaders and, indeed, all of us to thrive during times of VUCA, Mental Toughness is an essential ingredient for success.
Mental Toughness Definition
At this recent seminar for The Outperformer Paul Lyons discussed "Mental Toughness and Career Management - Where Do They Intersect?". In this short except from the seminar Paul defines mental toughness and how it applies to career achievement.
Increase Your Mental Toughness
Each quarter Accountability host events to provide clients and candidates with opportunities for career growth and personal development. At Accountability's October 2016 event Paul Lyons presented on the topic of "Increase Your Mental Toughness".
Podcast - Doug Strycharczyk and Mind Warrior
The more mentally tough we are the happier and the more sense of well-being have. Mental Toughness plays a role in all parts of our lives and this podcast explores how to measure and develop your Mental Toughness.
Power Posing - Amy Cuddy
Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain, and might even have an impact on our chances for success.
Purposeful Practice - Matt Syed
This retro video by former world table tennis champion Matt Syed shows how a modest suburban street in Reading in the UK produced more table tennis champions than the entire population of some countries. He believes that champions are made not born, which he also explains in his book Bounce. He describes his dedicated commitment to 10,000 hours or more purposeful practice, which together with a positive growth mindset enabled him to keep learning and improving to achieve peak performance. These are also key features of the personality trait mental toughness.
Achieve Together Programme
Vidhu Sood-Nicholls of Teach First and Doug Strycharczyk (AQR International) present a webinar on Mental Toughness and its application in Schools for the Achieve Together programme.
Developing Mental Toughness
How to develop Mental Toughness by Doug Strycharczyk, CEO AQR, first aired September 2015 on European CEO TV Channel